Saturday, April 7, 2012

Annual Yearbook Post

Once again I am celebrating the completion of our yearbook with a little peek post. This is the best yearbook we've made in the three years I've worked as advisor, and in many ways, it's been the most frustrating. We missed all of our deadlines by about 2 - 3 weeks, and I seemed to be the only one who cared. Sigh. Anyway, here it is. This is the cover.

This is one of our divider pages that further explains our theme:

Here is a shot that shows one of the fun features we used throughout--eyes with page numbers.
We did a fair number of wow pages. Here are two examples:

And we tried to do a modular, sequential book with cutout highlights, etc., so here are some examples:

It was a ton of work, and I am so glad it's done. It's always a great feeling of relief to get it finished. Now we just need to do the insert and make a movie.

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